Greg Goralski's profile

50years - making data physical

50Years - Demographics made Scupltural
This project takes data about Canadians and makes it into a sculpture to be held and learned from.  When you pick up the sculpture and run your hands over the bulges and troughs you can begin to understand how the generations move through time.   The main bulge there, that is the baby boomers.   Follow their path and think about what that bulge means when they are at various ages.   Follow your own age along the rotation of the sculpture, how did the demographic changes affect your life, how will they?   Notice the dramatic growth in people 80+, how will this affect us?  

This is above all else, is an object to think with.   A way to use touch along with vision to understand a complex topic.  By using more of our senses, we can process more information faster and deeper than we can just by looking at a chart.
50years - making data physical

50years - making data physical

a 3D print of 50 years of Canadian Demographic Information
