Hi guys, this video is very important because it is focusing on a topic that I truly want to work on and that is Natural Beauty #naturalbeautyistruebeauty. I am a student of Fashion Styling at Pearl Academy and we were given an assignment to choose a social cause and make a video on it. I choose the brand "DOVE " as my inspiration since the brand also focuses on natural beauty while instilling confidence and empowering woman. The video is only for College project purposes. My main purpose of choosing this topic was to promote natural beauty because I feel nowadays people get so influenced by Social media that they start putting this pressure on themselves to look perfect all the time and I feel like the imperfect you is also as beautiful as the perfect you is. I wanted to ask these questions because a lot of people don't think they are beautiful or attractive or perfect and I just want to tell you guys that the moment we accept ourselves is the moment we truly love and believe in ourselves. 
Dove Real beauty

Dove Real beauty
