maëry lanahan's profile

Inktober 2016, a drawing a day for a month

"Knitting My Destiny"
"He kept trying to talk to me about pressing issues of our day and age. I responded in bananas."
"The original tiny house"
"Just sssvvng the fur laybeder. 
Chipmunk cheek translation: Just saving this for later."
"Did you need this important paper for something?"
"We are part of the world around us"
"She has the most beautiful neck.  
Oh I knOW!
How does the do it? She must've had it wrung. I mean there's no way that's natural.  It's just so beautiful."
"How to introspect yourself: 
When a wild animal is looking at you and you find it hard to explain yourself, and you start to wriggle, you're living weird. It should be easy to tell a bear wasup. 
Live naturally."
"What rain?"
"The everlasting timeline of foods that go through him. And how he feels about it."
"pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, trump, pumpkin, pumpkin."
"What's that smell in the air?"
"It's Saturday night! Cut loose, don't let the crab snip your crayzee tentacles."
"I've got you under my wings"
"It's freezing in need slippers."
"Anybody wanna play fetch? All 4 of you? okay!"
"Lil baby Bernese"
"Reading the news of Standing Rock. Then drawing."
"Snow angels! They usually look like crazy piles of weird snow. But. Snow angels! Yaaay!"
"Human doings do. They are part of a machine. Set out with good intentions to be well oiled. We are surrounded by human doings.  I am one in fact. But I want to get back to being a human being... Lambs sitting in a meadow...Being. Not doing anything.  Not feeling the tug of the gears, just sitting and being. That's my jam."
"Why do dogs go in circles when they meet each other? I mean I respect their culture, but I have a hard time relating.  I would never want to greet someone like this personally.  But that's just me."
Inktober 2016, I did a drawing a day for a month as a challenge.
Inktober 2016, a drawing a day for a month


Inktober 2016, a drawing a day for a month



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