Jasper Smith's profile

The Life Cycle of a Dung Beetle

Step 1 - Meet the client
Male & female beetle meet and exchange digits.
Step 2 - Research
Beetle and mate fly to select a good cow pat.
Step 3 - Generate lots of concepts
Ball rollers cut pullet from cow pat and roll to base of plant.
Step 4 - Refine & cull
Beetles make sweet, stinky love. All night long.
Step 5 - Present to client
Single egg is laid within the dung ball.
Step 6 - Further refinements & adjustments
One to two days later the larvae hatches & eats dung.
Step 7 - Finished art
One to four weeks later the larvae pupates.
Step 8 - Print off into the world
Beetle emerges into the light.
The Life Cycle of a Dung Beetle

The Life Cycle of a Dung Beetle

Choose an animal. Relate it’s life cycle to the ‘8 step design process’. Set of 8 illustrations along with information on the design process and Read More
