Carli Bruckmueller's profile

2020-2021 Student Planner

2020-2021 Student Planner

I rely on my weekly planner in order to keep my schedule straight with school, two jobs, and somewhat of a social life. One problem I have is picking out a planner at the beginning of each school year. I’m not a huge fan of how they are organized and some of the typography that is used. I also am a huge bullet journaler, so I thought it would be fun to incorporate bullet journaling into a weekly planner. I wanted to include the normal things that are in a planner (year in review, monthly calendar, and weekly planning, etc.) but I also wanted to include some of my favorite bullet journal aspects (mood tracker, goal setting, and gratitude log).

The goal was to create a cohesive design that incorporated both bullet journal aspects and planner aspects, while showing my typographic knowledge. If you would like to view all 175 pages of the planner, please click here.

Overall, I am very happy with the final product. I will be looking into getting it printed and will post updated hero shots when I have the physical copy of the planner.

If you would like to know more about my design process, please click here for the Process PDF.

2020-2021 Student Planner

2020-2021 Student Planner

I rely on my weekly planner in order to keep my schedule straight with school, two jobs, and somewhat of a social life. One problem I have is pic Read More
