Akshita Sahlot's profile

Visual Communication Design For Matty Bovan

Visual Communication Project : Matty Bovan

The brief for this unit is to translate an emerging fashion designer's ethos (the characteristic spirit) and aesthetic (the visual style of their collections) into both a still and a moving image outcome. You will be assigned a designer from the British Fashion Council's 2018/19 NEWGEN scheme. Through research and development, you will determine the message that you wish to visually communicate through your creative outcomes. 
The best way to describe Matty Bovan’s aesthetic is a fantastical kaleidoscope. It is inspired by the past but very futuristic in its façade. On immediate inspection one can see a lot of colour, an array of texture and material, and a general buffet for the eyes. Only on further examination can one begin to notice the recurring motifs of demons, goblins and shamanistic totems. The underlying themes of his work are greatly inspired by British and Celtic folklore and mythology. His work hints at utopian-istic ideas in a harsh, dystopian future. The undertone is that of survival and his characters are eccentric, fun infused warriors. I wish to interpret his image of the ultimate warrior woman from the perspectives of ancient Celtic stories. To achieve this, I aim to unpack the symbolic meaning of these powerful and indomitable female characters.
Lotus Flower Brainstorming Technique

I chose character who are strong, go through hardship and transform in some sense. They are also fierce and powerful. I wanted to show feminine energy, both light (Like deirdre who loves Naoise unconditionally and will sacrifice anything for him) and dark (like Macha who caused the death of the hero Cuchlain).
Dierdre of the Sorrows 
Gunda the Shepherdess (The Giant of Penhill)
Janet (Tam Lin)
Goddess Macha 
Scathach, The Warrior Maid
Final Outcome :
Visual Communication Design For Matty Bovan

Visual Communication Design For Matty Bovan
