Francesca Macor's profile

"Nonna Bice racconta" illustrated book

Illustrations for the book Nonna Bice racconta... storie leggende e fiabe del Veneto
Venetian stories and legends published by Gaspari Editore in June 2018
La leggenda dei Monti Pallidi
Legend about the Dolomiti mountains
La volpe di Asiago e le patate al cartoccio
Story about Asiago city's baked potatoes with cheese receipt
Pictures of the printed book
"Nonna Bice racconta" illustrated book

"Nonna Bice racconta" illustrated book

Nonna Bice racconta... storie, leggende e fiabe del Veneto Book of Venetian stories and legends published by Gaspari Editore in June 2018. It fea Read More
