An adventurous hiking app has been launched under Cape Union Mart in order to encourage you to enjoy the wonders of the outdoors. We certainly are an adventurous bunch! Peak adapts a fun and outgoing culture, always pushing limits in order to reach our personal and physical summits. 

Peak builds a sustainable hiking experience in a morally responsible
way, which satisfies, inspires and advances the lives of all our members in the hiking community. Connecting a community of worldwide hikers to maintain a healthy outdoor lifestyle, share experiences and push limits.

Peak has been designed using bright bold colours and subtle gradients to reflect the adventurous souls for which the app is designed. The mobile and desktop sites which showcase the app feature quirky little gifs and bold vector illustrations. They also allow users to watch demos of the Peak app.

 The app allows hikers to connect with others along trails as well as record distance and altitude of your hikes. Each hike is logged into your logbook where you can break your personal records. There is a chat forum as well as a
Q & A section to chat with professionals and ask for advice. Since the app is
a subservice of Cape Union Mart, it also links to their online shop. 
PEAK Hiking App


PEAK Hiking App
