Should Running a Business Be Like an Athlete Training for the Olympics?

Having watched the Opening Ceremony, and loads of the 2012 Olympic events highlights. I couldn't help but be struck with awe at all those people, who have dedicated the last 4 or more years of their life to this one moment in time. This one Event! All that work, trial, pain and no doubt tears, to finally discover if it's all worthwhile. Wow! Now that is what I call pressure.
Being athletically challenged myself, hasn't stopped me from admiring their dedication, strength and sheer determination to be the best of the best, in the world. What if businesses or people were to do the same! Could you just imagine what it would be like to deal with a company like that. It would be phenomenal but what would it take?

Knowing your strengths/weaknesses and your niche.
Determination to succeed and being able to focus solely on the end goal no matter what.
Consistently doing the training, learning, tweaking and pushing the boundaries on a daily, weekly and monthly timescale.
Having a trainer/mentor to learn from, to answer to and be accountable to.
Assessing the results regularly and looking at where adjustments are needed. Knowing perfection can only come through patience, time and listening.
Know when to take time out to recover, both mentally and physically.
Develop fearlessness.

I do think this happens and can happen and #myaugustwish is to start on a 5 month challenge to take my business | social media presence | my fitness goals and completely turn them around using the 7 steps listed above and prove it does work. As Napoleon Hill once said " Deeds not Words count most". This should be fun...
So what are your strengths and weaknesses? I know my strengths as I've been using them over the last 25 years. As for my weaknesses ( I'm talking fall flat on my face weaknesses) which have become painfully obvious to me these past 7 months are: -

Selling and listening.
Knowing your market.

The best thing is these skills are teachable and I've dedicated the last 3 months to listening, reading and learning everything I could get my hands on. But the real change came when I engaged with a business mentor. She has completely blown my tiny brain with knowledge, honest no nonsense advice, and tips.
It has taken my business to a whole new level, teaching me about online marketing, newsletters, email, social media. I now know how to listen to what people want and need. Most importantly this has resulted in sales!

Personal Workout Trainer

Personal Workout Trainer


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