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5 important reasons to sing your baby a lullaby

Each mother’s day is filled with so much fuss: to cook, serve, wash, tidy up, and mother often has no time to sit down. When we look for an opportunity to calm down, we think that we need to be alone, leave home, be distracted, but you can start to be distracted from the hustle and bustle, laying our little ones to sleep! And it will help just a lullaby  songs.

Sometimes mothers don’t want to sing, worrying that they don’t succeed, there is no hearing / voice, but the child doesn’t care, he looks at his mother’s face, he hears gentle love tones, smooth measured speech, diminutive suffixes and very soon asking you to sing again and again. Well, if it’s really not fun to sing, then try to learn a few poems-tombs to recite them in a chant.

Start singing while you are pregnant and continue while it brings joy to you and the baby!

And to be convincing, here are a few basic reasons that show how important a lullaby is to a baby:

Mom’s speech is the sound that the baby hears in the womb most often, which is why the child calms down when the mother sings or just speaks to him in a calm and gentle voice. Lullaby relaxes the baby, gives him a feeling of warmth, security. Experts say that children who fell asleep under lullabies in their childhood are more successful in life and less likely to suffer from mental disorders.
 Lullabies develop a baby's speech. When the mother sings to the baby before bedtime, the child is focused only on her and for some time just watches the articulation, lip movements and correlates them with the sounds she hears. In the future, this will help the child to earlier explore the possibilities of his mouth and tongue and, possibly, get ahead of his peers in speech development. In addition to the development of speech, a lullaby develops hearing and memory.
Lullabies are an effective remedy for attention deficit disorder, because the connection that occurs between the parent who sings and the baby is strengthened every day and proves to the child that they love him. This allows the child to be calm, balanced, confident.
 Lullabies are involved in the process of socialization. The child perceives aggression, or vice versa, the kindness of the world around him - feeling care and love in the family. That is, if everything in the family is quiet and calm, if there is a special time before bedtime, then the world around is not scary, but people are kind and there is nothing to be afraid of. Thus, in the near future, a lullaby will prevent the baby from being inactive for a long time and the lack or stinginess of interpersonal relationships.
 Lullabies give you the opportunity to tune into sleep and at the same time get a positive association with sleep and bedtime, because the last thing a baby sees before going to bed is her mother’s smile.
5 important reasons to sing your baby a lullaby

5 important reasons to sing your baby a lullaby
