Derek Everett's profile

Derek Everett Portfolio

Photography is what started me in the CG industry, and I feel much of that influences current work.
Silhouette shot of my car done with black and white film.I developed and processed both the film and print this is simply a picture of my work UNALTERED digitally.
Sabatier paired with a negative Sabatier of a car in motion. This piece won a Silver Key at the Scholastic art fair in 2006. I developed and processed both the film and print this is simply a picture of my work UNALTERED digitally.
Extreme close up of a flower where I added a color effect using a blue toner. I developed and processed both the film and print this is simply a picture of my work UNALTERED digitally.
Group project where i designed and laid out a mock "tabloid" to include all of our project's information in a unique way.
Digital Illustration emulating the style of Peter Sinclair.
Technical illustration of a dragon statue using only vector path-work and color gradients.
Texture painting created using Photoshop and Maya to make a "centuries old" bronze tablet.
Maya Scene using ONLY procedural shaders that come stock with the Maya program. The scene was provided, I modeled/textured the Kiwano Melon appearing in the front.
3D Model of Nelo Angelo from Capcom's "Devil May Cry" placed into an environment all of which I modeled and textured using 3DS Max. This was created a mere five weeks after learning 3D modeling/texturing for the first time.
Majority of the UV Mapping for my character
3D Composite created using Maya. The model was made to appear in the environment using an HDRI dome, multiple area lights, and four render passes.
This video was part of a group project tasked with creating multimedia for the programs within the School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI. I did all of the planning, information gathering, directing, story boarding, and editing for this video.
Fun montage using a variety of editing and film manipulation techniques.
Derek Everett Portfolio