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INTRODUCTION: A cell can be described as the functional unit of a larger whole. I think about cells as an organising device which forms a lifeform. Iridescences is defined as a lustrous or attractive quality or effect. Colours are often associated with  “Iridescences” (when shinning a light on an Iridescent object it reflects different colours) likewise in the different colours of aura. (Y.Red: well-grounded, energetic, strong-willed Orange: adventurous, thoughtful, considerate Yellow: creative, relaxed, friendly Green: social, communicator, nurturing Blue: intuitive, spiritual, freethinker Indigo: curious, spiritually connected, gentle)  Therefore, describing the “Iridescences” in all of us as we are composed with different cells and how they form us individually with unique souls which abstractly describe our aura. An aura is a field of energy that surrounds people and other living things, reflecting the energy of the spirit in that body. Commonly called the etheric field, this energy extends about two to four inches around the body and is usually a light or pastel shade. 

Auras are also associated with light beings such as an angel, spirit guide, or ascended master. The aura consists of seven levels/layers/auric bodies, also known as the physical, astral, lower, higher, spiritual, intuitional, and absolute planes. Each one of these subtle bodies that exists around the physical body has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and each body affects the others. They also affect a person’s feelings, emotions, thought patterns, behavior, and overall health. Just like with chakras, a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others. In general, aura is the connection of the physical body, emotional and spiritual bodies. Auras can also change within us and it is not permanent. When it is dull, there is a possibility of cleansing our aura such as getting yourself some dried white sage. Auras also play a vital role in our social lives through sensing each others energies that we radiate from our bodies and can be sometimes captured in photographs by pressing your hands onto metal plates that sit on top of electric boxes. I want to capture and visualise the different auras in my artwork due to the many possibilities that is reflected from our soul although it is something abstract. Therefore, I chose the title, The Iridescences of Life, which is also referred to as the colour of life. 

Some questions to keep in mind are; what would we find if we viewed our personalities, minds and souls through a microscope?”; “what does confidence, ambition or courage look like on a cellular level?”; and “what is the cellular make up of a soul?” While the image may be directly informed by science, the overall effect is to show a “garden” or landscape of our aura. My main objective is attempting to visualize “the internal dialogue which takes place in all of us.” Each piece of art is given a personality of its own, giving the art its own voice. Therefore, answering the key questions about the relationship of our bodies, souls and personality.
Done by Sabrina Lim 
Dimensions: 50cm x 50cm 
Medium: yupo paper 
Done with: alcohol ink

Since I see the alcohol ink Cell art  as rigid forms,  I associate it with high energy and negative emotions. Feelings that make you want to take action very strongly and when you are at a fragile state. Therefore, the use of cold colours and paper as a medium to represent these emotions. The 1st and 3rd layer of Object I consist of the colours green and yellow. These colours represent guilt and anxiety. Guilt which signifies a feeling of having committed wrong or failed in an obligation. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.   The 2nd and 4th layer consist the colours blue and purple. These colours mean depression and fear respectively. Sadness is an emotional pain associated with, or characterised by, feelings of loss. Fear means an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.
Done by Sabrina Lim
Dimensions: 11.5cm x 19cm 
Medium: Yupo paper 
Done with: Alcohol ink  

This is object III , an informative brochure that explains the concepts of Object I and II.  It is an editorial design that consist of texts and images of what Object I and II are all about since they are abstract pieces. The concept of layering of cells to create the brochure is similar to the visuals of Object I. There are two sets; the cold coloured brochure is influenced by Object I while the warm coloured brochure is influenced by Object II. In this way it shows that there are negative and positive emotions. In us humans, there are both positive and negative emotions which sums up the brochures and objects together. 
Done by Sabrina Lim 
Dimensions: 30.5cm x 30.5cm 
Medium: Resin layers 
Done with: Acrylic paint

I see the Acrylic Pour Paint as a flowy and continuous form in contrast to the alcohol ink art, therefore I would want to associate low energy and positive emotions such as optimism, security, passion and calmness which would be represented by the colours autumn yellow, peachy orange, rose red and navy blue. I would use resin to separate each layer of acrylic paint to give its three dimensional effect. The concept is similar to object I whereby many layers of acrylic paint ‘cells’ combine to create a form just like how cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The colour palette of object II are warm colours as it represents a good, pleasant feeling.
Aura & Emotions: An aura is a field of energy that surrounds people and other living things, reflecting the energy of the spirit in that body. Commonly called the etheric field, this energy extends about two to four inches around the body and is usually a light shade. An aura also affect a person’s feelings, emotions, thought patterns, behavior, and overall health. Just like with chakras, a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others. In general, aura is the connection of the physical body, emotional and spiritual bodies. I want to capture and visualise the different auras in my artwork due to the many possibilities that is reflected from our soul although it is something abstract. Thus, I chose The Iridescences of Life as my title, which is also referred to the colour of Life.  

Overall Purpose: Certain mediums are way better at depicting certain emotions and can be a great help to artists in depicting the necessary feelings. Therefore, displaying the necessary different mediums to express each aura that an object depicts. While the image may be directly informed by science, the overall effect is to show a “garden” or landscape of our aura. I want the viewers to hang around and study my work, and to ask themselves questions. Each piece of art is given a personality of its own, giving the art its own voice. Therefore, answering the key questions about the relationship of our bodies, souls and personality.



Cell aura project
