The Art Institute of Michigan
Guerilla Marketing Campaign
The Art Institute of Michigan is a new college to the Detroit area, opening in the Fall of 2007. The school has done well bringing in students, however there was something missing. The objective was to bring students, programs and faculty together to create an inviting, interactive, community. This also was sought to inspire creativity in an environment focused on the "big idea". The Eye concept came about in a step to draw interest and confusion on the campus. Placing The Eyes all over the school and letting the idea sit generated the initial buzz. Following it with a second plot, advertising fall registration directed the attention onto to administration. Just when students thought they had figured it out, The Eye came out with a Facebook. This came with interaction, clues and more diversions. Attention was again directed on to specific influential students and faculty. The Eye came to take on the form of mystery, pranks, games, all of which were student or faculty initiated. The campus community took over giving The Eye legs of its own and turned it into a movement. The Eye was about everything you envisioned and it was meant to inspire; so than came "Get Banded". Trendy wrap and beaded bracelets were sold for a limited time in the school store to allow the campus community to feel apart of something. They sold out within the first week! In the end The Eye came, saw and conquered. While The Art Institute of Michigan will never be the same.
The Eyes: Designed as a unique way to develop associations, memorability and a buzz
The Eye Sponsors Fall Registration: Used as a way to direct attention on a source -- administration
Fall Registration Poster
The Eye on Facebook: Used as constant connection to the campus community with contests, clues and more
The Eye on Facebook Ad Poster: Female Eye
The Eye on Facebook Ad Poster: Male Eye
My Eye Design Contest: Used to give the audience an opportunity to be more involved
Eye Heart Objectives: Used to target highly involved student and faculty members who were seen as influential leaders/roles models to spread the word
The Eye and Student Involvement: Students plotted a turning of the tables and posted their endeavor to Facebook
Eye Heart Bob: Secret letter to Bobby Durrant, a highly vocal student leader on campus who was used to spread the word
Eye Heart Mike: Secret letter to Michael Levy, head IT and media services analyst at The Art Institute of Michigan who has access to everything technology, known amongst all students and faculty and was used to make things happen
Get Banded: The Eye Becomes a Movement
Get Banded Ad Poster
Get Banded Store Display
The Eye

The Eye

Implementing a top-secret guerilla marketing campaign. Seeking to bring the interaction and inspiration an art school needs to generate creativit Read More
