Michelle Chung's profile

Air Purifying Mask: Air Pollution Awareness

Research on the topic issue: Asian Dust; How it can affect the environment, the human body, and some of the precautions and temporary solutions that are provided by the government in South Korea.
Competing brands of the Air Purifying Mask
Personas based on the demographic most sensitive to the topic
Branding: Mood board, Keywords, Logo sketch, Style guide
Idea initial sketch: Principle of an ordinary filter mask + air purifier:
A device attached to the mask purify and convert the carbon dioxide people exhale releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Not only does the mask protect people from breathing in polluted air, it also purifies the atmosphere around the person in general.
Fundamental technology research for the product:
Instead of an imaginary air purifying device for the product, the most realistic and plausible replacement of the technology for the purpose would be photosynthesis.
Research of plants used in installations and ventilation systems to purify air in modern days
Digital rendering of the diagram:
Reusable mask skin, detachable algae layer, replaceable filters and electro charged layer that can be purchased in packets. 
Air Purifying Mask: Air Pollution Awareness

Air Purifying Mask: Air Pollution Awareness

Touching upon the topic of air pollution in South Korea, the goal of this project is to bring more attention to the environmental problem by desi Read More
