Play through for the 30 day RPG
 Note: My apologies to anyone who is still looking for the source code here, I couldn't format it quite right so in order to make my portfolio a little more pleasing to the eye I will leave the main code file on my code samples blog  which is accessible from the front page of my portfolio or HERE . Also a note I do know basic math I just input incorrect values at sections to demonstrate some of the error messages / fail-safes i put into play lol. 

Welcome to my 30 day RPG this was my baptism by fire so to spak into programming, a challenge I made for myself after attending E3 2010 

Aside form those areas  I mentioned, I also created a home area where the player has a 1-in-3 chance of receiving an item that provides a permanent health bonus. A bank where a player can deposit the money they have earned and withdraw funds that they have deposited. The bank system goes hand in hand with the two places I created where the player can get into random turn-based battles ( the forbidden forest & crystla caves), if the player loses a battle in these locations they lose an entire day and they lose any money they had on their character that wasn't deposited in the bank ( inspired by breath of fire 2) . Also there is a potion shop which will allow players to purchase healing items that are usable in a battle that may not be going your way . Last but not least if at anytime the player forgets what a specific destination offers they can select the help menu which will reiterate everything I have posted.

30 day RPG

30 day RPG

This is the second game project I have completed and my first individual project. it is a Text based RPG programmed entirely in C++ .The purpose Read More
