Kate Bradshaw's profile

King's Wood Birches and Oaks

King's Wood Trees
Over the last decade I have visited this piece of woodland in Bedfordshire many times. The oaks were felled long ago and have since re-grown with numerous trunks, making for some weird landscapes. Birches are merely opportunists in the open spaces between. I accumulated a lot of photos and spent some time processing them in Lightroom. Then just a couple of weeks ago I came across Photoshop's 'oil' filter and started playing. These photos are the results. I think the filter really helps capture the mood of the moment and gives movement to the images which the still photo alone did not.
Old oak hangs on to a few autumn leaves
Eerie birch woods
Birch trunks decorated with lichens
Stray leaves on a small stand of birches
Birch leaves take the 'oil' filter beautifully
Autumn in a birch wood
Low branches on a couple of oaks
A brief moment of sunlight on the path
Stout oak in full leaf
King's Wood Birches and Oaks

King's Wood Birches and Oaks

Testing Photoshops oil filter on photos of birches and oaks in a piece of woodland.
