Sajo tuna Brand Renewal

SAJO Tuna Brand Renewal

Design renewal of the entire line of “SAJO Tuna” packages, the signature brand of a general food company SAJO Group. 
To solve knotty problems like how to differentiate from competitive brands or how to distinguish from other line-ups in the brand, action seoul suggested avoiding the typical ‘yellow-color tuna can’ to give new color identity on each product line. The tuna illustration on the upper side of a can became the unique, witty, graphic element of “SAJO Tuna” as a symbol of the freshness in the sea.

SAJO Tuna Brand Renewal
Client : SAJO

action seoul
Creative Direction : Jangsub Lee 
Art Direction & Design : Minah Hong
Lead Design : Koojong Kang
Design : Hyunsu Kim, Deokwoo Kim
Photography : Kiwoong Hong

ⓒ action seoul
Sajo tuna Brand Renewal