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MOCKTOBER : The Baba Yaga

The Baba Yaga 
By: Kevin Manklow
Vigilante justice alive and well in New York!

Some may argue that there are no heroes anymore, but in the dark, seedy underworld of the New York mob, someone is taking out the trash. We don’t know his name and can only speculate on his motives (perhaps the killing of his dog) but the Baba Yaga is reigning terror on those who have wronged him. The trail of dead bodies is only surpassed by the gruesome methods that each victim has met their fate. Who is this “Boogie Man”? When will he stop? Is anyone safe? Is this a precursor or antebellum, if you will, to more violence. This story is developing.  

MOCKTOBER : The Baba Yaga

MOCKTOBER : The Baba Yaga
