Warning: Some content may be sensitive to some viewers.
My piece is titled "Suicide." Before I go on, I want to clarify that I am not glorifying suicide. I am not trying to romanticize it or distort it in any way. I have had friends and family who have tried to commit suicide, and for this piece I want to talk about the psychological side of it. Instead, I am trying to raise awareness.The suicide rates in the US, as well as alcohol and drug abuse, have gone up. If we opened up pathways of discussion about suicide instead of hiding from it, then we could create an environment where people would feel comfortable to freely talk about the issues they are going through. No human life is worth more or less than the other. If suicide was spoken about in a serious sense rather than in a joking manner, then we could save lives and reverse this epidemic
These were the various ideas I went through when making this piece. I had thought of creating an environment to have the person sit in, but it felt too much. Textures for the outside individual, the gladiola flowers for the inside person to represent strength. I once had a noose on it but I it felt like it would have been too distracting for the overall piece.


Some content might be sensitive to some viewers If we opened up pathways of discussion about suicide instead of hiding from it, then we would cre Read More
