Marine Laurent's profile

Hands, Rabbits, and Stuff. Animated GIFs (2013)

Hand drawn animated GIF, assembled with PS CS6.
Since I'm lucky enough to have time now, I wanted to give a go at playing more thoroughly with movement and drawing. I draw mostly (if not only) with my mechanical pencil (0,05 mm, B), because it just feels like the prolongation of my hand. 
I definitely need to work on smoothness of movement, and will try to update my progress (or lack of progress) in this project.
Any comments/advices are welcome!
-Marine L.
first GIF, based on four speed studies of my left hand.
4 frames. 0,2 sec/frame.
May 2013
a (very) sketchy jumping rabbit.
7 frames. 0,2 sec/frame.
May 2013
I wanted to keep the sketchy feeling in this one, hence the change of "background" colour on each frame (they were all drawn on the same page). A flower oddly turning into a weird rabbit that disappears in a bizarre way. It doesn't make any sense, I know. I was told that I should have drawn a carrot instead of a flower. Never mind, maybe for an other time.
25 frames. 0,1 sec/frame.
May 2013
Haven't had much time since the previous one, but I'm quite happy with this tiny dancer. I have to admit the thing that makes it "work" more or less is the number and the speed of the frames rather than the actual movement (it's quite obvious I didn't keep the same volumes from one frame to another, right?), but I like to think that it's part of what makes it a little magical. Maybe.
Adding colours is also quite interesting, it adds to the liveliness (and it might also cause dizziness, or headaches, who knows?). I think I'll try to experiment with cleaner lines from now on, perhaps re-dram each frame on the computer, and see how it comes out.
10 frames, 0,1 sec/frame (I think)
Hands, Rabbits, and Stuff. Animated GIFs (2013)

Hands, Rabbits, and Stuff. Animated GIFs (2013)

playing with drawings and movements in animated GIFs.
