pandora's box

History repeats itself and our present leaves a trace that resembles those of the past. In Korea, although we were a democratic nation, the authoritarian government brutally oppressed our people and it took almost 40 years for us to be finally liberated. But this not simply the case for Korea, whether it is America or Russia, our history resemble one another like looking into a mirror. In my work, I incorporated that aspect into my sculpture. In a two-way mirror acrylic box, each side, chronologically, portrays the history of contemporary Korean democratisation movement, with the usage of printmaking technique that was widely used during this time period’s Minjungmisul art movement. When one looks at the engravings, one also see oneself being layered on top of the drawings and once the light is turned on within the box, another box containing images of present’s political and social issues appear. Like the pandora’s box, the past reveals our today.
Righteous Army 의병
Japanese Colonialism
1910 – 1945
2.28 Daegu Democracy Movement 2.28 학생 민주 의거
3.15 Masan Democracy Movement 3.15 마산 의거
4.19 Revolution 4.19 혁명
10.2 Student Protest 10.2 시위
Bu-Ma Democratic Protest 부산.마산 민주 항쟁
5.18 Gwangju Massacre 5.18 광주 민주화 운동
5.3 Incheon Democratic Struggle 인천 5.3 운동
June Struggle 6월 항쟁
Han-yeol Lee Funeral 이한열 장례식
Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box

History repeats itself and our present leaves a trace that resembles those of the past. Like the pandora’s box, the past reveals our today.
