Soul Food

Soul Food is framed by a conceptual motto: in a fast going, superficial and consumerist world, being subversive shall be understood as offering paused moments for reflecting upon deep philosophical ideas. 

we aim to please you with graceful philosophical reflections

Our procedure, meaning how this work is structured, consists of delivering each piece of Soul Food as a pill of philosophical thinking. We would be, then, "philosophical drug dealers" offering moments of pause to our "clients", this is, the viewers.
Each pill is named by the colour associated with a philosophical idea, but this idea is never explicit. The viewer, or demanding client who looks for relief in a superficial social-media based society, shall dig on any proposed pill by analysing its main elements.
These elements are, chronologically, a photograph, a philosophical statement, a poem and a song. They are selected for expressing a philosophical idea chosen for each piece, each pill. Presented combined, they become complementary.

Philosophy, therefore, results from the amalgam of photography, literature, poetry and music.
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Soul Food

Soul Food

Relief in a superficial social-media based society
