Pain Doesn't Discriminate

The idea behind the piece is: It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, your age, gender, status, ethnicity, etc…. Anyone is susceptible to RSD/CRPS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) and the life-altering pain that ensues. My goal for the piece was to get people to think, even for a minute, of all those who live their lives dictated by pain and how easily they or those they love could become affected as well. 

This art piece was also used as the cover art for RSDS Magazine: 
RSDSA Magazine, Community Update Fall Edition
Nov. 2018
T-Shirt made (one of many) for, a social networking site created to help empower individuals and their loved ones to share their experience or stories regarding their medical condition or disability to help improve the lives of those coping with such challenges.
Pain Doesn't Discriminate


Pain Doesn't Discriminate


Creative Fields