Julian Calverley's profile

The Pacific Northwest

After leading an ALPA workshop in the beautiful Olympic National Park with Capture Integration I decided to stay on for an extra week, to make some work for myself.

The sheer scale of the landscapes in the Pacific Northwest do beg the question.. how on earth do I make a photograph of what I’m seeing before me, that feels natural to the eye? Instead of simply reverting to using a super wide lens, which I’m not particularly keen on due to the pulI and distortion, I found the solution in using a slightly longer lens and shooting panoramic images. 

I used my ALPA 12 SWA with HR Alpagon ƒ4.0 40mm SB17, which allowed me to shift the lens vertically (especially in the rain forests) and dial in some tilt when required, while importantly keeping the camera level for shooting frames for stitched panoramics.

Many of the images were shot in damp and windy conditions, with movement in both the water and the branches and leaves, the stitching software taking care of any movement and anomalies. With some of the images being created from 10 x 80mpxl frames, you can imagine.. the resulting 16 bit PSB files are large!

I’m pleased to say that some of the work has been selected for ‘Lurzers Archive Top 200 Best Advertising Photographers Worldwide 20/21’

Below are some examples of the work I made, with more images available to see here.
Below are a few ‘behind the scenes’ images of my ALPA 12 SWA..
The Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest

A series of panoramic images shot in the Pacific Northwest


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