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Last Minute Tips for your Fall Wedding

It seems like just yesterday you received the wedding ring of your dreams. There’s no time to waste, it’s time to start thinking about tying up loose ends and focusing on the small details before your big day!

Fall weddings are beautiful, but there are many things that can get swept under the rug. It’s important to have everything settled before the wedding, so get a notepad and start jotting some of these tips down!

Unpredictable Fall Weather 

Fall season is a tricky time of year, the days can be warm and sunny but the evenings can get very cold, very fast. Make sure you and your bridesmaids have coats or a shawl that match with your dresses. It’s important to stay warm, but remember to keep up appearances for the photos!

Expect rain to fall during autumn. Place large tents for dining at your outdoor venue. Wedding venues are booked months ahead of time and you have no idea what the weather will bring. Proper preparation means having to move dinner inside if necessary.

Find a Designated Q&A Helper

When the big day comes, everyone will ask questions. People will want to know where they are to be seated, where they should park or where they should place gifts. Pick a friend or hire a planner that can take over and answer any questions your guests may have. There is no time for trivial questions at your wedding.

Inform Your Photographer

The photographer will take photos of anything you ask. Perhaps you want to put emphasis on your amazing wedding ring and manicure. Or maybe you want to make sure they take a photo of everyone at the wedding. Or maybe even a photo of the mens wedding bands and the brides wedding ring! Be sure to make a list for your photographer before the wedding, so they know what shots to get!

Wedding Rings and Accessories

Don’t forget the accessories for the bridesmaids! Don’t forget about your wedding ring! It is crucial that you pick these up at least a few days before the wedding to make sure that they are the perfect shine. While you’re at it, polish up your engagement ring and make sure it looks picture perfect for the wedding.

Last but Not Least…

Have a great time and don’t stress about your wedding! Remember that you have help from all your loved ones. When the day comes, the small details won’t matter. What is important is that at the end of the day you will be walking down the aisle towards your happy beginning.
Last Minute Tips for your Fall Wedding

Last Minute Tips for your Fall Wedding

It seems like just yesterday you received the wedding ring of your dreams. There’s no time to waste, it’s time to start thinking about tying up l Read More
