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How to remodel a bathroom

Bathroom Remodeling Check List

The bathroom is the room that is usually taken for granted. Despite it being an important room, a personal space for bodily maintenance. Bathroom decorating is the best way to increase the value of the house. Remodeling options may differ from one house to another or from the owner's perspective. However, the following are some of the essential lists to be checked before bathroom remodeling.

1. Before making any permanent changes, taking time to decide on a theme or design of the room is an essential need. There are several themes and designs to choose from such as vintage pink, all white, black and yellow, color blocks and the like. Hiring a professional designer may ease off those stressful decisions. It is important to look into the tiles, paint, wallpapers and other materials.

2. There are remodeling projects where there is a need to move walls or as such. It is important to draft out a proper plan before moving those walls permanently.

3. Floor work needs professional care for better results. Moreover, if there is a need to move the bathtub, toilet, shower or sink, a plumbing change will be required. New subfloors may be needed.
4. Plumbing is a necessity when remodeling a bathroom. A licensed professional must be hired to bring out the best results.

5. Fixing or changing light bulbs and as such will also require a professional hand.

6. After all, the functional and fundamental necessities are taken care of; decorating the room is just as essential. No room remodeling will be complete without a properly themed dacor.

The bathroom is as important as a kitchen or a bedroom. It needs to be a clean and spotless room. Besides the bedroom, it is the room where the day starts and ends. Not just as room for bodily maintenance but a personal safe space for some alone time.


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The site offers practical and affordable strategies for creating, decorating and renovating bathrooms. There are especially five major aspects which need to be considered according to the experts. If the five facets are taken thoroughly while decorating a bathroom, the results will be fantastic. The five features to take into account for a spectacular bathroom are Theme, Plan, Plumbing & Ventilation, Storage and Final Touches. The tips are suitable for all types of bathrooms provided owners have the right budget to complete the task.


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How to remodel a bathroom

How to remodel a bathroom


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