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Fantasy Role Playing Gameware

Photoshop Daily Challenge - Early August with Voodoo Val
Day 1: Stylized Avatar
Create an avatar for a fantasy adventure character! Use Photoshop to turn a selfie into a stylized portrait. Embellish your creation with fantasy elements like a beard, fancy crown or crazy hair!
The Old Lady Wizard
The avatar is from a selfie -- the only one in focus that day -- perhaps I need more practice? The staff is drawn with the pen tool and fx'd.Textures on clothing from AdobeStock Patterns and the back texture is from Adobe Paper texture pro.
Day 2: Icon Design
Build supplies for a fantasy adventure character. Choose from items like gold, potions or food and use the Pen Tool to create icons for them.
All items but the bread is drawn from scratch.The bread is is from PixelSqiod. I  Used several filters to make it look hand-drawn.
Day 3: Tools & Filters
Create a coat of arms or house crest for a fantasy adventure character using the Symmetry Tool and Displacement Maps.
The background is from an Adobe template of fabric textures with Adobe ,Stock velvet behind it. I drew the shield and staff; the camera is one of my images filtered to look drawn and the MacBook is another AdobeStock, filtered.
Day 4: Photo Compositing
All adventurers need reliable equipment. Combine photos to create a piece of magical equipment for an adventure character. Get creative with weapons, armor, jewelry or artifacts!
The swords started with one of a set four image from AT first, I just rebuilt the blade to make it longer and wider, and made it a shade of gold to go with the original hilt. The more I fussed with that, the worse it looked, so I traced over it with a brush and added a gold fx. I didn't care for the places where the lines crossed, so I set a sapphire gem (AdobeStock) at every intersection and the hilt. The pommel is covered with elephant leather texture from Wild Things template set from the now-defunct Epson Creative Zone. Background from Paper Texture Pro.
Day 5: Texture & Patterns
Create a heroic companion for a fantasy adventure character! Draw the silhouette of a magical creature and use Blending Modes to add scales, fur or feathers.
I decided that I needed two heroic companions to help me on ,y quests: Battle Bulldog and Super Gecko. BB is my ride and fierce warrior - he can lick anyone (literally) until they're helpless.The base dog is from Pixabay. I've added a couple f textures from Logo Design Studio textures, some sheep wool from Pixabay and fur brushes from Aaron Blaise (

SG started from an Pixabay stock image. I've drawn her clothing, added a new eye color, and added a cape from PixelSquid. I also added extra lizard texture from Wild Things template set from the now-defunct Epson Creative Zone. SG is my eyes in the sky and can stop speeding bullets, among other things.
Day 6: Custom Brushes
Create a map for a fantasy adventure game! Use the Brush Tool to illustrate simple map features like trees, waves or dotted lines. Turn your drawings into Custom Brushes and build a custom map!
This started as an Epson Creative Zone Scrapbook template called Pirates. I masked out all the pirated themed icons, and replace them with some from Pixabay. I made the dotted line brush and went on the quest for treasure, you know, where "X" marks the spot ;-)
Day 7: Puppet Warp Tool
Create an adventure game character using an image of yourself or a fictional character as a reference. Pose your character with Puppet Warp and add a movement effect with Motion Blur.
This creation took quite a while for me. I finished a class recently learning how to use Adobe Character Animator, so I created several puppets from scratch, in addition to modifying the template ones. The one I did representing me didn't have quite the right face on in for question, so I decided to make a new face. Well, when I finally got the face and hair right (AdobeStock), the regular, every-day outfit I used for the promo video didn't work. So I found a knight drawing (also AdobeStock, and with modifications, alterations (but mot much puppet warp this time) and elements from earlier daily challenges, I ended up with this image.
Day 8:Timeline Animation
After an adventure game character defeats an enemy, it levels up! Use the Mixer Brush to create a 3D progress bar and the Timeline to animate it filling up.​​​​​​​
I made this animation slightly different than Voodoo Val. I tend to cringe when anyone doesn't take advantage of smart objects.So, I made my progress bar a smart object with a mask. I used the video timeline rather tan animation, which means I only needed the one layer. I set a keyframe every 1/2 second and moved my mask to show more of the bar at each spot. As you can see, I spiced it up a little to match my treasure map.
Day 9: Magical Effects
Turn an ordinary object into a mysterious fantasy item! Choose an image of an item or object and use Wave and Glow effects to create a magical aura.
Val said we needed some loot to finish the game.Since I had sapphires on my sword and a chest full of gems and gold coins on my treasure map, I thought I'd continue with the gemstone theme. The diamond is from AdobeStock, the flare brushes from Corey Barker, the background from Artella, and the texture idea from Voodoo Val. 
Usually, I would not play with fantasy, role playing game images. I find it sharpens my mind and jumps starts my creativity to participate in out-of-the-ordinary challenges. Thanks. Val!
Fantasy Role Playing Gameware

Fantasy Role Playing Gameware
