Cristina Gore's profile

World Of Wonder Lifestyle Blog

When I rebranded my lifestyle blog I knew I wanted a more textured logo than I would be able to create within computer programs so I decided to create a texture with coloured pencils. I then photographed it with a DSLR and imported the images into illustrator to manipulate them. The plan was to create a planet to adhere to the theme of the blog. i stared with green and blue coloured pencils and make various scratched shapes.

I first chose a panel of the blue for the base. I chose the clearest and most varied blue for the logo. The next step was to roughly copy an existing image of a globe so that the countries would be semi accurate in placement. I did this step free hand so I could create this abstract style. I used more that one of the green panel to give the 'land' more variation. I layered this above the blue using clipping masks for the smaller island and seas within each area.

My next step was font style. I'm a lover of fonts and knew that this textured style would need something fitting. I clicked through my collection and found one that was a perfect fit.

My initial idea with the logo had also included a magnifying glass over the south of England that would indicate where the blogs were coming from. This version also featured a longer title which was also the name of the website.
After the onions of those around me and friends I decided that this was a little to complicated and would not scale well. the details would be lost if made smaller and the logo would be harder to read. Some simplification was needed. The final logo was clearer and I loved it.

To finish off, I used I's to create the line with the texture of the font allowing for easy overlapping.

Here's a link if you're interested in checking it out.
World Of Wonder Lifestyle Blog

World Of Wonder Lifestyle Blog
