Paul Thorsen's profile

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Unity is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' design system for all internal web and mobile applications. I was tasked with researching, designing, and documenting atomic components for reuse and consistency in branding across products. Below are several of the larger components that I worked on. 
Data Tables
Data tables are used heavily in the internal applications of The Church and are built with the intent to allow a user to view, find, and edit data entries. Many designs and UX patterns are dispersed throughout The Church's products which make for expensive development as well as a disconnected user experience.
First, we need to know what data tables were being used for: use cases. We performed an audit with several of the organization's designers, noting which product or service used which data table features (column sorting, basic filter, etc.). The data that follows helped us to understand which features were most pressing and needed.
It's clear that the data table could be loaded with all the features in our audit - but that would take time. We needed a component that could be designed and developed for in a cost-effective amount of time that added value when implemented in projects. We needed a Minimum Viable Product.

Through lots of analysis and meeting with our developers we created a list of features, in priority order, to include in the MVP version of the data table.

1. Column Sorting
2. Search Bar Filter
3. Rules/Borders
4. Pagination
5. Row Grouping
6. Inline Editing
7. Row selection
8. Column Filtering 
9. Sticky Headers
10. Column Grouping
11. Column Totaling
12. Zebra Striping
13. Row Highlighting 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints



Creative Fields