A Yant is a Sacred geometrical design that provide powers of protection and various blessings through Buddhist psalms and magical formulas. Sak Yants are normally tattooed by Buddhist Monks, or Brahmin Holy men referred to as Sak Yant Ajarns with bamboo sticks. It became largely popular among tourists after celebrities started to get Sak Yants. 

While in Thailand, you can see tattoo shops that offer Sak Yants everywhere and it's not difficult to find a backpacker that wants to bring a special souvenir on their skin back home. I was curious about it and wanted a place where the ritual felt authentic, so I found Arjan Neng through an Airbnb experience in Bangkok. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get a Yant myself and decided to just go with the flow. When we arrived at Arjan Neng's house and studio, I felt such a strong energy, even though I couldn't understand the language or the symbols. As much as the place felt truly authentic and Arjan Neng emaneted a peaceful aura, I didn't feel that it was my time to get a Sak Yant. 

After deciding to just watch, I photographed my new American friend B. getting her much deserved Yant. B had just been through a very difficult time in her life and spontaneously decided to get the tattoo just a day before we met. I see her white Yant as a little beautigul scar that closed that turbulent time of her life and blessed the wonderful days she has yet to come. 

This is my most personal work so far and these pictures are very special to me. 
Sak Yant ritual

Sak Yant ritual

Pictures taken on a Sak Yant ritual in Bangkok.
