

There is a growth in numbers of people designing and printing their own publication, the easy access to computers, software and printers and it seems that the 
self-publishing and DIY printing are becoming a widespread phenomenon nowadays. 

The competitive market between digital publication and online content, is pushing designers and publishers to experiment with the publications' physical sides; the materials. In order to communicate the content through the three-dimensional features, the materials must be clearly known to the reader.


Design and print a publication (book, pamphlet, zine, map…) using the short story Division by Zero by Ted Chiang as content. Conceive your publication as an object that translates visually and materially the content, exploring the expressive potential of typography, layout, page formats, book shapes, paper and binding.

Binding details

Printed in De Montfort University on 07. 05. 2019
The cover, package, folders and layout are designed, printed and crafted by the designer himself.
This book is set in Courier New, designed and engraved by Howard Kettler in 1955.
Font Size: 9.5 pt and Leading 11.4 pt
Cover paper: GF Smith, Plike(Green), 330 gsm
Box material: Corrugated cardboard recycling
Folder paper:
Content paper: Xerox, Recycled Supreme 100%, 80gsm

Screen print progress
Package progress
Files making progress
Text alignment
DIY Publication


DIY Publication
