OTHER SIDE is an interactive poster design exhibition organised by Cabinet SR:CH, Swiss – Serbian design collective. I had a pleasure to participate with this poster that I called: 
On the other hand
Auguste Rodin’s ‘Cathedral’ is originally a combination of two right hands, belonging to two different figures. I split and presented hands separately on different photos, one photo was printed on one side of poster and other photo on the other side. When the light that stands behind the poster is turned off only one side and one hand is visible. But when you turn on the light and see both merged sides of the print you see two hands trapped in marble.
That point of their connection, their pedestal from which they rise may represent the birth of their wish and longing for the touch which happened. Or it didnt. Vibrant, yet frozen moment of two people trapped in passion and physical attraction. You can see their hands, but you can also feel the space between. Empty and sacred space full of meaning from which we explore life.
One side: hands represent visible, tangible, objectified, existing, pshysical. 
Other side: space between hands represents invisible, intuitive, personal, infinitive.​​​​​​​
There are things we can see and on the OTHER SIDE there are things we can just feel.