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Push Notification Advertising Network

Popadup is a self service media buying platform that allow affiliate marketers, media buyers and digital marketers to buy quality traffic from over 200 sources from one simple dashboard, supporting at formats such as: push notifications, popunder, native ads and display banners.

Web push notification advertising is a topic that is unfamiliar to a lot of business owners and marketers. Many people don’t even know what they are, much less how they can be used profitably, but push notifications are an amazing way to reach your potential readers or customers because it makes those people your captive audience.
Web push notifications are far better for lead generation than email marketing. Users must opt-in to receive notifications, but when they do they receive your messages straight to their phone, tablet, or even their desktop computer. In this post, you’re going to learn a bit more about what push notifications actually are as well as how to use them to increase traffic, conversions, and sales. Let’s get started.

What Are Push Notifications?
Push notifications are notifications that are passively displayed on your computer or mobile device. They can come from an app or from a website. Successful companies like CNN and Facebook use push notifications to get their visitors to come back to consume new content. App developers use them to keep people using their app and to notify people of important developments like sales and new features.

Users must opt-in to receive push notifications, so they can’t be used for spam, but that’s a good thing. People who opt-in have done so because they want to hear from you. In this post, we are specifically going to focus on web push notifications rather than app notifications, because pretty much anyone who has an app understands what they are and how to use them but website owners often don’t even realize they can use them, much less how to do it.

Why Use Push Notifications?
There are many reasons to use push notifications but one of the biggest reasons is that push notifications have been found to have an average opt-in rate of about 40% which is about ten times the average rate of opt-ins to email lists. They also work when your visitors leave your website, so they are more effective than things like popups and popunder advertising  and other on-site tactics.
Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular ways to use web push notifications for your business.

Get Return Traffic
The most obvious reason to use push notification ads is simply to bring users back to your website or blog. When people visit your website, you can automatically prompt them for permission to subscribe to your web push notifications. When they subscribe, you’ll be able to send them web push notifications or even use ‘RSS to push notification’ to send regular updates every time you make a new post on your blog. This works much better than standard RSS because conventional RSS isn’t as popular as it once was and most people no longer use RSS feed readers.

No Double-Optin Process
Web push notifications are also more effective than email marketing because there is no requirement for a user to reconfirm their opt-in and people do not have to check their email to receive notifications. This means they can receive notifications almost instantly, as long as they have their web browser open.

Send Time-Sensitive Information
Another benefit of that near-instantaneous nature is that you can use push notifications for time-sensitive promotions. Let’s say you have a sale running that lasts only a short time, or you have a popular product that is almost out of stock. You can use push notifications to let people know information like this before it’s too late, whereas other methods such as email might not reach them in time or at all.
Finding your push notification advertising network is important to gain quality results
Popadup is a self service media buying platform that allow affiliate marketers, media buyers and digital marketers to buy quality traffic from over 200 sources from one simple dashboard, supporting at formats such as: push notifications, popunder ads, native ads and display banners
Push Notification Advertising Network

Push Notification Advertising Network


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