Paul Burkhart's profile

The Infantry - Magazine & App

The Infantry Magazine
For class we had to design our own magazine and then design the app for our magazine. My concept was to create a historical military/war magazine that talks about what went on in the wars etc.
This was a very exciting project because I got to feature my great grandfather who fought in WWI. You can see my great grandfather's photos and medals on the cover of the magazine of Vol. 1, and in the article spreads.
I scanned in my great grandfather's photos and took pictures of his medals. My great grandfather got to meet President Franklin Roosevelt, which you can see on spread 2. Vol. 2's cover photo is a photo I took of a cannon from the Cilvil War. The cannon still sits in Kansas City, Missouri in a park called Loose Park. Vol. 3's cover photo is a photo from my neighbors Vietnam booklet. My neighbor served in the army and was in the Vietnam war.
Inside spread for main article of Vol. 1.
Second spread of main article.
Special feature article. Weapons of WWI.
Cover of magazine app of Vol. 1. 
The table of contents page of app. Right iPad shows what were to happen if you were to split the lower bottom arrows away from each other. A sub menu navigator would pop up to let you go to a certain article. 
The Infantry - Magazine & App

The Infantry - Magazine & App

For class we had to design our own magazine, then design translate the magazine into an app.
