JD Rogers's profile

Passerines of Midwest North America

Northern flicker, a member of the woodpecker family - flashy in both sight and sound
Male northern cardinal perched in winter woods
Blue jay perched on a small tree
Female goldfinch perched on a dead stalk of mullein
Female northern cardinal perusing a snow covered forest floor for seeds
Cedar waxwing enjoying serviceberries during spring
Chickadee in early spring
Male downy woodpecker - the red patch on the back of its head differentiates it from a female
Grasshopper sparrow on goldenrod - this bird is fairly rare now due to habitat loss
Eastern kingbird overlooking a lake
Field sparrow perched atop a small evergreen tree
Common grackle in the elbow of a dead tree located on a lake
Male Baltimore oriole bathed in evening sunlight
Gray catbird calling out from deep within a tree during sunrise
Common yellowthroat, a member of the warbler family
House wren claiming its territory - it lives in a gourd house hanging from the hook
Mourning dove poking around for fallen sunflower seed
Prairie warbler in its namesake habitat - a brushy prairie
Male redwing blackbird keeping watch over its nest
Juvenile American robin just figuring out how to fly and sing
Song sparrow in spring
American tree sparrow foraging for seed - these birds actually call Indiana home in the winter and travel north to nest in the spring
Brown thrasher - these flyers aren't rare per se, but they sure don't stick around long for pictures
Tufted titmouse eyeing a bird feeder from the trunk of a nearby tree
Male eastern towhee with white crowned sparrow in the background
Female eastern towhee on brush in winter
Male and female tree swallows mating in spring
White crowned sparrow on a twig as snowflakes fall from the trees above
Passerines of Midwest North America

Passerines of Midwest North America

Midwestern North America is home to a rich diversity of birds. Some live here year-round, many more nest during the warmer months before heading Read More
