Max Hodlevskyi's profileMaksym Lymanskyi's profile

We School

We is an innovative remote professional school aimed at preparing future specialists in the fields of marketing and social media. The foundation of our approach is the idea that people come first. We create a community where everyone feels supported in achieving their professional goals.

Our task was to convey all these values through visual identity. The central idea running through the entire identity is the emphasis on the letter "e" in the school's name. This was to highlight that we as a team are the most important. People are the priority; everything else is secondary. The accent mark, when multiplied, formed a chessboard pattern, symbolizing the thoughtfulness of every step in student education. Along with vintage illustrations, we created collages that are easily scalable for social media publications, which are the primary method of communication.

Max Hodlevskyi — Art Direction, Graphic Design
Max Lymanskyi — Graphic Design


We School

Project Made For

We School

We is an innovative remote professional school aimed at preparing future specialists in the fields of marketing and social media. The foundation Read More
