This was a design for a logo that needed to compliment an existing one, that of Goin' Lupi. The style needed to be sympathetic, but at the same time be new and different (you can see the Goin' Lupi logo here!).
The design started off as a "Worm Wonder" concept, but market research showed that every Tom, Dick and Harry had that name. So it was changed to the present name. The design focused on the bridge between earth and air, to indicate that the product was taken from the ground and openly used to fertilize. The worm had to be a Red Wriggler and charismatic. Finally, after some trials, the wording was based on a green theme to indicate it's bio-friendly nature, and at the same time compliment the reds being used.
Tried to make this logo a little more dynamic by doing a gradient mesh to round the body. However, to compliment the full logo requiremnets a flat colour and ouline version were also created.
Wonder Worm


Wonder Worm

Logo designed as a subsidery to the Goin' Lupi brand. The logo had to have the same feel, but be different. The aim was to create a worm that act Read More
