噗通|Exhibition of Interaction Design

國立臺北科技大學 互動設計系畢業展
National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Interaction Design

噗 通 —— 跨 領 域 互 動 下 的 融 合 與 反 應
Poof!The explosion and combination of digital interaction. 


​​​​​​​We are from Interaction Design department at Taipei Tech. This time, we aim to feature interaction lab and combine design with technology to build a whole new interactive exhibition. Different teams create amazing works and see technology as experimental equipments. Our teams tried again and again. Finally, we made it and succeeded with our persevering experimental spirits. A variety of sources are parts of reactive elements and the interaction between people and works advances the process of interactive experiments. When visitors are involved in the works, they can observe different interaction and also get surprised from the change of results.

Exhibition Planning and Execution/ Design of Visual Space/ ​Interaction Design
National Taipei University of Technology/ Department of Interaction Design/ 104th Graduation Project Exhibition


策展人 & 專案企劃統籌Jhin Dong
展務管理 & 專案執行Ivy Liu
延伸活動執行Sodalu/ Mia Chen/ Ivy Liu
社群行銷規劃Carrie Chang/Sodalu

視覺設計統籌:Shiya Hsieh 
網站設計統籌:Vivi Yang
展場設計:Jhin Dong/ Shiya Hsieh 
展場工務統籌:Ivy Liu/ Dan Zhang
展場互動裝置:Ming En Ho/ Eric Zhan/ Alex Lu

動態影像統籌:Dan Zhang
動態設計:Mia Chen/ Ming En Ho/ Carrie Chang/ Jie Ge
影像拍攝統籌:Mia Chen/ Sodalu
影像協力:Ivy Liu/ Carrie Chang

噗通|Exhibition of Interaction Design

噗通|Exhibition of Interaction Design

「 噗通 ─── !跨領域互動下的融合與反應。 」 本屆除延續放視大賞作為競賽舞台外,將於臺北松菸舉辦獨立個展。展覽以互動實驗室作為主題情境,結合設計、科技及多媒體,打造一場新世代的數位互動體驗展。 核心概念著重互動設計的跨領域特質,不同類型的組別創作中,科技硬體作為實驗器材,秉持堅定的實 Read More
