Daniel Clark's profile

Fulmer Family Tree

A client of mine commissioned me to create a family tree as a gift for his father and mother. The tree could be a center piece in their living room.

Approached to create a family tree dating back to the 1500’s.

Note: I wanted their family tree to look like an old manuscript, it needed to have a slight 16th century feel to it and also highlight the longevity and linage of the Fulmer name.
A message from the client: “My dad loved it, my mom got a video of him looking over and making comments and such. She said after the video he was looking at it again and had some tears. 

My dad’s sister-in-law saw it as well and is already talking to my mom about getting a print made for my dad’s brother and one of my mom’s friends is now thinking she needs to commission something similar for her family tree. 
Overall, huge success! Thanks for the last minute push to get it ready on time for father’s day, despite all the name changes. ”
                                                                                                                    – Thomas

Fulmer Family Tree


Fulmer Family Tree

A vintage family Tree
