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[Graphic Design] All about Seattle

It is a stamp illustration project. I made it with some remarkable features of Seattle. The illustrations are flat and with bright color. Also, I put a little pop art vibe on them. This project costs me about one week.
There were several words came to my mind when I saw the word "Seattle", like "raining", "mountain", "Space Needle", etc. Some are concrete words but some aren't. I wrote them down, then I started choosing the words I want to illustrate and grouping them up. Finally, I decided to picture 9 stamps, which includes: mountain Rainier, the museum of flight, LGBT, raining, Space Needle, Pike Market, The Crab Pot, Seahawk, football, Tulip, Coffee.

Besides, I used the longitude and the latitude instead of showing the names of the illustrations on those stamps. That was because I wanted people can guess the locations I draw.​​​​​​​

Have a nice trip around Seattle through my illustrations!
[Graphic Design] All about Seattle

[Graphic Design] All about Seattle
