Like all good stories, this one begins with
Once upon a time,

Gecko was sleeping quite soundly,

“Gecko! Gecko!” she called.

Tiger opened one eye. The other eye stayed asleep.

Tiger yawned and then yawned again.
She walked soundlessly through the dark and quiet jungle
“Why do you flash off and then on?

“Go ask Woodpecker why she rat-a-tat tats.”

“Why do you rat-a-ta tat, rat-a-tat tat?” asked Tiger.

All tiger had to do was look down.
In the moonlight Beetle looked like a polished silver button,
rolling up a very fine mucky mess.

It was very smelly mucky mess.

Tiger found Water Buffalo sound asleep in a pool of mud.

Tiger to look Water Buffalo in the eye.

“I'll go ahead and hear what Rain says.”

Tiger was enjoying the rain so much, she stuck out her tongue to taste it.

It was dawn, the time just before the sun rises.

Gecko, Gecko

Gecko, Gecko


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