Annie Haines's profile

Burgh Island Inspired Bottle Design

BrandOpus Competition Brief (university project)
Create an innovative alcohol brand that is embedded with a strong sense of place and designed for a UK audience. Consider ways to promote the brand.

Burgh Island is an iconic Devon landmark, local to me, with a famous Art Deco hotel where Agatha Christie wrote ‘And then there were none’ and ‘Evil under the sun’ based on the Island. To capture the essence of the place I carried out the murder mystery theme and chose a blood coloured cherry liqueur  for a 1930’s cocktail. I explored many routes within the murder mystery theme such as a magnifying glass shape and poison bottles but the strongest concept was storytelling and a greater focus on characters. 
A few initial concepts for the murder mystery themed bottle. 
The final design proposal became a character in the foreground that, unknown to the costumer, is about to be murdered by a character in the background that reveals themselves as you drink the liqueur. This cocktail stands out amongst the crowd as it is playful and interactive.
Two bottle examples of characters from the murder mystery game that you can purchase on the website. There would be up to ten variations and there is no way of knowing which character you will get. The bottles can become collectables. 
Burgh Island Inspired Bottle Design

Burgh Island Inspired Bottle Design

Brandopus competition brief.
