Bill Pixton's profile

The Joys of Trail Running

The Joy of (Trail) Running. 

There is nothing better for the soul but to get outside in nature and run or walk. Not earth shattering news I know, but it is true nonetheless. I used to run regularly for years but with many injuries, old age and other distractions I decided to give it away, virtually for a decade. My life was becoming increasingly stressful and I was having difficulty coping. So I put my runners on and tentatively ventured outside. This coincided with moving to the Blue Mountains with easy access to off road trails, wildlife and stunning vistas. Now two years later I'm feeling good and trail running is part of my life. I'm 72 now and will continue as long as I am able.
Races come and go. If there were no races I would still run. However they keep you focussed and striving for improvement. Looking forward to the Hawkes Bay NZ 22km trail run in August and the Hounslow Classic virtually in my Blackheath backyard in September. What I really like are the views and birds that I see on the trail. I always make time to stop for a photo or let a lyrebird pass.
   Bill Pixton, May, 2019
The Joys of Trail Running

The Joys of Trail Running


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