Educational Toy for Introducing Environmental Education and
Instilling Behavior that is Helpful to the Environment for Preschoolers

An undergraduate Industrial Design thesis by Leanza Garcia
The Earth is currently facing many environmental issues. With the growing global environmental concern, it is necessary to introduce environmental education during early childhood when a person’s brain development is at its peak. In teaching these children, teachers and parents often use toys and other fun methods as it is an efficient way of getting their attention, resulting in better understanding. With this, the concept of an educational toy for introducing environmental topics that is specifically geared towards children at the preschool level was developed.
Simple actions can make big differences, and it is important for children to learn that their everyday actions can affect the environment. With this in mind, LUNTIAN focuses on inculcating proper habits and behavior that center around daily activities and routines to develop the children’s concern for the environment. It is to be used in preschools, allowing teachers to discuss the topics further while at the same time providing guidance and supervision.
Luntian is the Tagalog word for green. Green is the color of nature. It is often used in eco-friendly products and campaigns, such as the famous "go green," because of it's relevance to the environment. Thus, luntian represents the product's main goal and purpose, while at the same time paying tribute to its country of origin.
Exterior (closed)

My final design is a doll house. The reason for this is because it is familiar to children and it is a downsize of their regular environment (their home) where they can ultimately apply the habits that they will learn from this.

It focuses on 3 topics: waste disposal, water conservation and energy conservation.

The product aims to teach about environmental issues by making the concepts of cause & effect and conservation tangible for children.

The aesthetics were kept simple but colorful and playful to appeal to both boys and girls. The wood texture along with green as the main color gives an eco feel, aesthetically representing the main purpose of the product.