Dario Castellani Tarabini's profileMarco Perrone's profile


Enter the cube​​​​​​​

A prototype project that aims to combinated the space of theme may affect the visitor both within the ego as self-consiousness is for interactive aspect, bringing it to develop his sensory abilities. The choosen frame is the cube, seen as structural space to be lived, altered, redefined and multiplied at will for grow in every places.

Created to give continuity to the environment in witch is located, to break his horizontality of the green and give it back instead on vertical glazing.

A mimetic structure who may be encoutered everywhere, possibly isolated. The particular coating of this cube it's capable to easily blend surrounding thanks to its external mirror surface, then allow the visitors to hide from the world, but keeping in it for the completely trasparent internal surface. In this way the world's noise remain outside and its possible to find yourself.

Mirror-Cube and Seek&Hide-Cube​​​​​​​
Mirror-Cube is an alternative structure where the art is the observer himself, which will be shown in a new dimension thanks to clever play of reflections between two opposite walls created inside the cube.
Seek&Hide-Cube is a plastic experimentation on the ability to create sophisticated visual effects using a few simple compositional elements. Especially sinche the viewer is called into play physically, the work's movement will be the result of optical effects arising from the relationship between the light's elements and the position of the viewer in space.
