Dajeong Choi's profile


Publishing and Narrative



To begin with, Infinite is a South Korean boy band formed in 2010 by Woollim Entertainment. My collection is basically about their album cover and will focus on how the logo is changed by period. 

‘Korean is rapidly growing in popularity, in a language-learning boom driven by the popularity of the country’s pop stars.’ – BBC News 

As the report, South Korean pop culture has grown in prominence to become a major driver of global culture and I thought the collection of album covers of Korean pop stars is appropriate at this time of the year. These days, people normally listen to music through the internet rather than buying their albums, but I think album cover also has an important role in capturing the characteristics of the singer. 

Aims and Research Process 
From this project, I wish to develop my research methods and software skills especially in motion graphics. Also, I am going to do an in-depth analysis. 

I will be able to interview with the designers who have worked in branding or logo design for primary research and also, can find the experts for the music. I have some information of ‘Infinite’ because I was in the fan club when I was younger but internet resources will be useful as well. 

Design Outcome 
The focus of this project is how the cover was constructed and why the logo was designed with that ways. I can design a new logo or looking for modifications and recreate it but, analysis will be the main point. I will use a digital form and add their music to understand their concepts. 

The audience is greatly different from me and the entertainment company. The target consumers for an album itself is age 13-20 but, my target audience are graphic students and the industry.

