Daily Routine
Why We Do What We Do Everyday
Gathering data from a survey conducted regarding ten activities people say they tend to do most often, the outcome of this information graphic is intended to inform the viewer about whether these common activities are things people actually do or just say they do everyday. After sorting through the data and creating a visual system to enhance the communication of the results, the final poster reflects a day's time. 
Sketching original ideas and compositional layouts, for the specific data collected it was found most insightful to use a circular grid which alludes to the time span of a single day. An uplifting color palette and clean icon system enhances the data and helps the viewer to understand the information from a macro and micro level.
Brainstorming initial ideas
Sorting data 
Layout sketches
Refined sketches
Graphic system
Full size sketch with digital print swatches
Digital iteration
Digital refinement
The information portrayed visually assists the viewer in diving deeper into the data and comprehending the concept. From a macro point of view, the airy color palette and overall concept of daytime draws the viewer in from across the room. At a micro level, the fine print paired with simple icons helps alleviate the eye and give structure to the overall composition. 
Creating an app that allows the user to track their daily routine pulls the data collected from the survey along with the visual system applied to produce a memorable interface that corresponds greatly with the topic. Allowing the user to customize their routine, this gives each individual the ability to gauge if their daily activities are just a habit or if they actually mean something to them.
Mobile app
Daily Routine

Daily Routine
