Image Composite I put together for a "goat in a boat" competition.  The brief was pretty straight forward; the piece must include a goat in a boat with a little bit of a back story.  Being a UK citizen, sick and tired of the immutable wave of media coverage, following the mess known as Brexit, I only had one thought....

The image is really just an extension of a few non-British things we love and forget we would never have on our tiny island, before we broadened our vision beyond our country's coastline.  Would there still be as much of an argument from our citizens and government if EVERYTHING not originating on our very own shores had to be returned as part of any future deal??
The image was put together using multiple images taken from and"Designed by bearfotos / Freepik


Image Composite I put together for a "goat in a boat" competition.  The brief was pretty straight forward; the piece must include a goat in a boa Read More
