"Antiquity" is project proposal for Art on TheMart in Chicago, Illinois. 
The Project:
"This unique, long-term, public art installation is unprecedented in scale, illuminating the over 2.5 acre river façade of theMART in downtown Chicago and transforming its urban context.

With its minimum thirty-year duration, its location in the heart of downtown Chicago along the Chicago River and its substantive and relevant content, Art on theMART is the next iconic milestone on Chicago’s visionary trajectory of public art."

For my proposed portion I am producing a 3D animated piece that fits the current years theme of "Theatre". The visual elements will include clean 3D renderings of the Acropolis in its current state of mild ruin, with the Discolobolus of Myron in the foreground showing signs of distortion, not time, but by digital means (see attached files). 

-Zachary Grey Phelps



Digital Art Installation for Art on TheMART in Chicago, Illinois.
