C R O S S   O V E R
The theme, as it’s name suggests, is a cross-over between Indian Traditional art-form, i.e Worli Paintings and Denim. 
I’ve tried to portray a modern day garment which reflects our heritage.  

Fabrics used- Old denim fabrics, Hand block printed Dabu fabric.
Techniques used- Dabu printing, Patchwork, Embroidery.
Target market segment- Women in their early 20’s to mid 20’s.

My product promotes sustainability as the entire garment is made from old denim fabrics, which are cut and patched together.
Embroidered dancing scene from Worli Art on the back of the jacket.
I’ve taken the triangular shape from Worli art and converted it into a Dabu hand-block printed fabric; which then is used for the collar of the jacket and on the skirt. 



CROSS OVER is a project which blends Indian heritage and the modern era together into beautiful patch-worked denim garments. This project promote Read More
